Indlægs Arkiv

Freja og Alvin er parret, scannet gravid d 7/9 2017, med 3 eller flere hvalpe

 D. 28 plus d 30 – 7 – 2017 blev DK16388/2012 Askim`s La-Gro Ophelia = Freja parret med DK16803/2015 Martedal Alvin.

Mulig stamtavle på evt. hvalpe : Stamtavle Freja X Alvin

Kombinationen opfylder alle etiske krav for avl i racen : Begge er PRA 3 fri,  begge er øjenlyst indenfor et år = Intet påvist, begge er undersøgt for Patella med et resultat på 0/0 og begge er avlsgodkendt. Derfor vil kuldet få Plus stamtavle i DKK.

Dette var en af de parringer der var så helt og aldeles vellykkede: hundene kunne lide hinanden, de løb og legede og da de var klar til det, så parrede de sig helt naturligt begge dage.

Jeg spurgte èn der har forstand på genetik om hvad der kunne forventes i dette kuld og hun svarede;

I went back and looked at photos of Freja when she was born. She has a sable-and-white littermate because both Skamar and Lady carried parti, but I can’t see a spot of white on Freja. She might not carry parti herself.

The pups is this litter, I suspect, will be black and sable and with a nice red tone. They will likely have some white spotting on them as Alvin is parti and offers every pup a ‘parti’ gene variant to carry.

If Freja does turn out to carry parti you should see black-and-white (parti) and also sable-and-white (parti) pups in this litter.

Jeg sendte hende et billede der tydeligt viser hvor meget hvidt Freja har på brystet og så svarede hun :

Karin, thank you for pointing out that Freja has a lot of white on her chest. Both her parents carried parti and she has 75% odds of being a carrier herself. With white on her chest she most likely is showing off that she carries parti. If indeed that is the case you are going to have the opportunity for a rainbow litter here. Black, and black-and-white pups will make up half the litter by odds. By odds the other half will be sable, and parti sable. With the background to this litter you will see rich gold colouring as well. There is the off chance of black-and-tan with white but can’t see if that is carried in these two without looking at their DNA or using the old fashioned approach of seeing what they produce. 🙂

Vi vemter på Alvin


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